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Please note that many of the links are out of date. Newer entries are at the end...
Freud's Café (Walton Street, Oxford)
2-4pm Sunday 25th April 2004
Admission to Freud's is free, and children (q.v.) are always welcome.
Bridewell Organic Gardens open day (The Walled Garden, Wilcote Road, Nr North Leigh)
1-3pm Sunday 11th July 2004
Call 01993 868313/868445 for directions.
Elder Stubbs open day (Rymers Lane, Oxford)
12 noon - 2 pm Saturday 21st August 2004
Friends Meeting House, St Giles, Oxford
7pm Saturday 18th September 2004
Programme includes Skeleton Crew. Tickets £5 on the door. In aid of United Nations Adopt-A-Minefield Trust.
Friends Meeting House, Market St., Charlbury
8pm Friday 22nd October 2004
Programme entirely Skeleton Crew. Tickets £5 on the door. In aid of Peace Direct.
Oxford Folk Club, Port Mahon, St. Clements, Oxford
8.30pm Friday 12th November 2004
Feature night with Skeleton Crew. Tickets £2.50.
Oxford Green Fair, Oxford Town Hall
Saturday 11th December
Skeleton Crew will be playing from 10.30am - 12.30pm, and there are lots of other things going on during the day. There will be a small admission charge to the fair.
Fund-raising Lunch in aid of Tsunami appeal
Iffley Church Hall, Oxford.
Sunday 13th February, 12 noon
Tickets £5; £12 family
Concert in aid of Oxfam
St. Giles Church, Oxford.
Saturday 2nd April 2005, 7.30pm
There will be a £5 charge for admission, including refreshments. Skeleton Crew will donate its share of the proceeds to Oxfam.
Concert in aid of Peaceroots for Uganda Peace Building
Friends' meeting house, Pytts Lane, Burford
Saturday 21st May 2005, 8pm
Admission £5. Contact (01235) 536317.
Sunday 19th June 2004, 1-3pm
Call 01993 868313/868445 for directions.
Saturday 9th July, 8pm
St. Nicholas' Church, Abingdon
Admission by donation, £5 minimum.
click here for the poster.
12 noon - 2 pm Saturday 20th August 2005
Saturday 1st October, 7.30pm
Friends meeting house, 43 St. Giles, Oxford
Admission by donation, £5 minimum.
a concert in aid of Amnesty International
Saturday 21st January 2006, 7.30pm
St. Giles Church, Oxford.
There will be a £6 charge for admission.
(Click the image for the full poster).
Concert in aid of Peaceroots, Building Peace in Uganda
Music of the Spanish Renaissance... and others
Friends' meeting house, Market Street, Charlbury
Saturday 18th March 2006, 8pm
Admission £5. Contact (01235) 536317.
(Click the image for the full poster).
in aid of Holywell Cemetery and Oxford Urban Wildlife Group
A selection of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Folk Music
At the Holywell Cemetery OPEN DAY, St. Cross Road, Oxford.
Sunday 7th May 2006, 2-4pm
Admission Free
(Click the image for the full printable poster in pdf format).
Sunday 25th June at Bridewell Organic Gardens Open Day.
We are performing from 1 - 3pm, and the open day continues until 6pm.
Admission £1
The Walled Garden, Wilcote Road, Nr North Leigh. Call 01993 868313/868445 for directions or see their website.
(Click the image for the full printable poster in pdf format).
Saturday 8th July 2006, 8pm
Concert in aid of Peaceroots, Building Peace in Uganda
Jouissance vous donneray: Renaissance Music
Friends' meeting house, Pytts Lane, Burford
Admission £5. Contact (01993) 830035.
(Click the image for the full printable poster in pdf format).
Saturday 19th August 2006, 12-2pm in the café (event runs 12-5pm)
Elder Stubbs open day (Rymers Lane, Oxford)
(Click the image for the full printable poster in pdf format).
Saturday 9th December 2006, 10.30am - 12.30pm (event runs 10.30am-4.30pm)
at the Oxford Green Fair (Oxford Town Hall)
(Click the image for the full poster).
A selection of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Folk Music
At the Holywell Cemetery OPEN DAY, (behind St. Cross Church, St. Cross Road, Oxford.)
A haven of wildlife in central Oxford.
Sunday 13th May 2007, 2-4pm
Guided walks - - raffle - - stalls - - light refreshments
Holywell Manor Gardens will be open at the same time.
Admission Free
Contact Janet Keene (01865) 820522 for further information
(Click the image for the full poster).
Duets for Lute and Harp
St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St. Oxford.
Monday 14th May 2007, 1.00 - 1.40pm
Admission Free (Donations appreciated)
(Click the image for the full poster).
A Programme of French Music
in aid of Peaceroots, Building Peace in Uganda
Friends' meeting house, Market Street, Charlbury
Saturday 16th June 2007, 8pm
Admission £5. For more information contact 01865 722192 or 01235 536317.
(Click the image for the full poster).
Duets for Lute and Harp
St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St. Oxford.
Monday 9th July 2007, 1.00 - 1.40pm
Admission Free (Donations appreciated)
(Click the image for the full printable poster in pdf format).
Saturday 18th August 2006, 3-5pm in the café (event runs 12-5pm)
Elder Stubbs open day (Rymers Lane, Oxford) (see also event details here).
(Click the image for the full poster).
Duets for Lute and Harp
St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St. Oxford.
Monday 24th September 2007, 1.00 - 1.40pm
Admission Free (Donations appreciated)
(Click the image for the full poster).
A Programme of Early French Music
in aid of Uganda Youth Training Project
Faringdon Friends' meeting house (Lechlade road, opposite Duke of Wellington Pub)
Saturday 13th October 2007, 8pm
Admission £5. For more information contact us, or 01235 764411.
(Click the image for the full poster (1MB)).
Thursday 6th December 2007, 7.30 pm: GHOULIES and GHOSTIES (triple bill!)
Come to the Haunted Hostelry for Stories, Songs and Music from
Marguerite Osborne, Storyteller
Steph West, Folksinger, Celtic Harp
...and a programme of music from Skeleton Crew.
The Gardener's Arms, 39 Plantation Road, Jericho, Oxford (01865 559814). Entrance £4, Concessions £3
A haven of wildlife in central Oxford Behind St Cross Church, St Cross Road - Nearest bus stop Queen's Lane
SUNDAY 18 MAY 2008, 2-4pm, Admission Free
Contact for further information: Janet Keene (01865) 820522
at Cogges Manor Farm Museum, SUNDAY 29th June, 12 - 2pm. Admission charge as for the festival.
The festival runs Sat-Sun 28th-29th June, 11am - 5pm, and 1 Day Admission is £6 (adult) / £5 (conc.) / £2.50 (child). Details from www.cogges.org or phone 01993 772602
The full poster is here.
(Click the image for the full poster).
Skeleton Crew : Out To Lunch
St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St. Oxford.
Monday 29th september 2008, 1 - 1.40pm
Bring your lunch and listen while you munch! Free Fair-Trade tea and coffee will be served.
Admission Free (Donations to charity appreciated)
(Click the image for the full poster).
Skeleton Crew : Out To Lunch
St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St. Oxford.
Monday 12th January 2009, 1 - 1.40pm
Bring your lunch and listen while you munch! Free Fair-Trade tea and coffee will be served.
Admission Free (Donations to charity appreciated)
We will be playing on the evening of Saturday 16th May for this Cogges Manor Farm Event. Details are not yet fixed, but we know the event runs 7.30pm - 10.00pm, there will be a buffet, guided tours and Bill Spectre the Ghost Story Teller! Plan at the moment is we'll be playing a short set around 7.30pm - 8.45pm.
(Click the image for the full poster).
Skeleton Crew : Early Music at Folly Bridge Inn
Friday 27th March 2009, 8.30pm
Folly Bridge Inn, 38 Abingdon Road, Oxford
Admission £3
For event information contact the organisers at Oxford Folk Club.
(Click the image for the full poster).
Dances and Divisions -- A recital of Early Music
Saturday 13th June 2009, 7.30pm
Jacqueline du Pré Music Building St Hilda's College, Cowley Place, Oxford, OX4 1DY
Admission £10 (concessions £8)
on the door.
Our Online box office has both full price and
concessionary e-tickets available (supplied by www.wegottickets.com -- just bring your booking number and some ID to the event. Note we've reduced the e-ticket price slightly to offset the 10 percent on-line booking fee.)
(Click the image for the full poster).
Strings, Reeds and Pipes -- A Cholsey Concert
Saturday 31st October, 7.30 - 10.00pm
Cholsey Church, Cholsey, 0X10 9PP (Near Wallingford. See map)
Programme includes Skeleton Crew, Organist Malcolm Pearce and Three Pressed Men
Tickets £8 (concessions £6) on the door or in advance from 01491 652295, or from Ray Park Family Butchers. Ticket includes wine/soft drink
8 - 10pm, Friday 26th November 2010 at the Museum of the History of Science in Broad Street, Oxford. The evening is called Stars and Starlight, and there are other things going on in the museam too, as well as the Oxford Christmas Night Light events all over town.
Next concert: 1pm - 1.40pm, Monday 6th December 2010, St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St., Oxford.
This is a lunchtime concert, so bring your lunch box and munch (quietly) while you listen. Tea and coffee will be available. Admission is free, and there will be a retiring collection in aid of Amnesty International.
Special Concert: 8pm, Saturday 18th December 2010, Milcombe Church (map), near Banbury.
Half the proceeds to Amnesty International, half to the Church building fund.
A concert of early music, the four of us plus special guest Sara Lourie on Recorder. Admission £5. We believe there will be mulled wine and so on. Please note the time is definitely 8pm notwithstanding the Milcombe website claim to the contrary.
Concert: 7.30pm, Saturday 14th May 2011, Milcombe Church (map), near Banbury.
The band's share of the proceeds goes to charity.
A concert of early music.
Concert: 1pm - 1.40pm, Monday 10th October 2011, St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St., Oxford.
This is a lunchtime concert, so bring your lunch box and munch (quietly) while you listen. Tea and coffee will be available. Admission is free, and there will be a retiring collection in aid of healthy cooking lessons for parents at the Headington Slade children's Centre.
Concert: 7.30pm, Saturday 19th November 2011, Milcombe Church (map), near Banbury.
The concert programme includes a range of medieval, renaissance and baroque pieces, including pieces for baroque flute by Handel (sonatas in G and Em), De Visee and Geminiani.
Admission £5. The band's share of the proceeds goes to BBOWT
A concert of early music.
Concert: 8pm, Saturday 5th May, Friends Meeting House, 43 St Giles, Oxford
The concert programme is mostly baroque, including works by Bach, Handel, Boismortier, Ortiz and De Visee. Download the poster.
Admission £7 (concessions £5). The band's share of the proceeds goes to Amnesty International
NEW see the full programme.
Concert: 1pm - 1.40pm, Monday 9th July 2012, St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St., Oxford.
Please check to confirm nearer the time. This is a lunchtime concert, so bring your lunch box and munch (quietly) while you listen. Tea and coffee will be available. Admission is free, and there will be a retiring collection in aid of the rhinoceros (tbc).
You can also donate directly to Save the Rhino International.
Concert: 1pm - 1.40pm, Monday 22nd April 2013, St. Michael at the Northgate, Cornmarket St., Oxford.
Music for a While music by Purcell, Byrd, de Visée and others in aid of Save The Rhino International.
Lunchtime concert at St. Michael at the Northgate, Oxford 1pm to 1.40pm, Monday 25th November 2013 in aid of Save The Rhino International.
Early Music by J.S.Bach, Uccellini, Philidor and others.
Next Public Gig: Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.40pm) Monday 9th June 2014 at St. Michaels in Oxford. Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Save the Rhino. You are welcome to bring your lunch to eat (quietly) and free tea and coffee are provided. We will play some elegant and beautiful baroque flute music by Couperin and De Visée, as well as some other goodies to help your lunch go down. Click the rhino on the left to see the poster for this concert.
We raised over 240 pounds for Save The Rhino from our concert at St. Michaels in November. Thank you very much to everyone who came to support us and donated so generously.
Next Public Gig: Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.40pm) Monday 10th November 2014 at St. Michaels in Oxford. Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Save the Rhino. You are welcome to bring your lunch to eat (quietly) and free tea and coffee are provided. We will play some elegant and beautiful baroque flute music by Couperin and De Visée, as well as some other goodies to help your lunch go down. Click the rhino on the left to see the poster for this concert.
We raised 140 pounds for Save The Rhino from our concert at St. Michaels in June. Thank you very much to everyone who came to support us and donated so generously.
Next Public Gig: Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 1st June 2015 at St. Michaels in Oxford. Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of the Bat Conservation Trust.
Delicious Early Music with your Sunday Afternoon Tea! Join us for Sunday afternoon tea at 4pm on 8th November at the Albion Beatnik Bookshop, 34 Walton Street, Oxford. We'll be playing an exciting and varied set set spanning our range of interests in instrumental chamber music, from Medieval dances, through Renaissance grounds and madrigals to Baroque sonatas. Perennial favourites Purcell, Couperin and Anon rub shoulders with equally deserving but lesser known Ortiz, Da Rore and Ruffo. Admission £6 (£4 concessions). Tea & cake extra!
See this event on Facebook.
Public Concert: Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 16th November 2015 at St. Michael at the Northgate in Oxford. Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Asylum Welcome.
Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 11th April 2016 at St. Michaels in Oxford. Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Save The Rhino.
UPDATE: thank you to everyone who came, and especially for your generous donations to Save The Rhino of over £280!
Public Concert: Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 21st November 2016 at St. Michaels in Oxford. "English Early Music -- Purcell, Dowland, Simpson etc." Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Asylum Welcome.
UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who came and donated to Asylum Welcome. We raised £325!
You are welcome to bring your lunch to eat (quietly) and free tea and coffee are provided. We will play a mixture of early music of various ages and styles, tuneful and easy to enjoy to help your lunch go down. Here is the printable poster.
Public appearance as part of "A-Wassailing we go" on Saturday 7th January 2017, 4pm - 6pm or so, on Hogacre Common (South Oxford.) Despite the claim on the poster, we are unlikely to be playing medieval music exclusively.
A previous public appearance at the East Oxford Farmers' and Community Market on Saturday 17th December. We played from 10am until about 11.30am (after which live music continued with jazz singer Karen Kay)
Aternoon Tea Concert: 3.00pm, Sunday 22nd January 2017, St. Michael's Church in Cumnor. Admission £5, all proceeds for Carl's year in Zambia with Project Trust. Refreshments will be available after the concert. Tickets on the door, or contact carl.olavesen@abingdon.org.uk 01865 862879
Public Concert: Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 5th June 2017 at St. Michaels in Oxford. "Lunchtime concert of Early Music" Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Asylum Welcome.
Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 9th October 2017 at St. Michaels in Oxford. Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Save The Rhino.
Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 4th June 2018 at St. Michael at the Northgate in Oxford. Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of The Bat Conservation Trust.)
Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 8th October 2018 at St. Michael at the Northgate in Oxford. Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Homeless Oxfordshire.
Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 3rd June 2019 at St. Michael at the Northgate in Oxford.
We will be playing music from the French Baroque: Boismortier, 2 different Loeillets, Morel and De Visée.
Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Asylum Welcome.
Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 21st October 2019 at St. Michael at the Northgate in Oxford.
We will be playing trio sonatas from the Baroque period, works by Bach, Boismortier, Castello, Pepusch, Oswald and Morel.
Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Save The Rhino.
Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 6th June 2022 at St. Michael at the Northgate in Oxford.
For our first concert since the pandemic began we will be playing some of our favourite pieces from our medieval, renaissance and baroque repertoire.
Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of refugees from Ukraine.
Click the image for the poster as a pdf.
12 noon to 12.30pm Saturday 20th August 2022 on the main stage at Restore Allotments Festival in Oxford.
There will be lots of entertaining things going on — after hearing us you have until 4.30pm to enjoy the rest of the festival. We'll be playing some of the livelier pieces from our usual repertoire.
Click the image for the poster as a pdf.
Lunchtime (1.00 - 1.45pm) Monday 6th November 2023 at St. Michael at the Northgate in Oxford.
We're excited to be playing a collection of pieces from the high Baroque period, on baroque flute, recorders, harp, lute and cello. The intensity of the German style is brought to perfection by J.S. Bach and Telemann, whilst Boismortier and Loeillet de Gant deliver the elegance of the French.
Admission Free, with a retiring collection in aid of Save the Rhino International.
Click the image for the poster as a pdf.
Skeleton Crew at the Bodleian
Meanwhile, why not book us for your event or concert?